Kramer - traducción al francés
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Kramer - traducción al francés


Kramer, family name; city in North Dakota (USA)
Dustin Hoffman         
Dustin Hoffman (born 1937), American film actor who starred in "The Graduate" (1967) and won his first Oscar for best actor for his performance in "Kramer vs. Kramer" (1979)


To whip into a room like Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld. Someone may do this intentionally to drive you nuts, bursting into rooms all the time, but they usually don't realize the power of the moment.
Nancy Kramered into my office for the last time! She'll be mighty surprised when I lock my door.



Krämer (transliterated Kraemer or infrequently Kreamer) is a German surname, originating from the Austrian term for "merchant". It may refer to:

  • Ado Kraemer (1898–1972), German chess player
  • Augustin Kraemer (1865-1941), German naturalist and ethnographer
  • Bernd Krämer (born 1947), German computer scientist
  • Bob Kraemer (born 1950), former Canadian Football League player
  • Clementine Krämer (1873–1942), German writer and Jewish activist
  • Franz Kraemer (1914–1999), Canadian radio producer
  • Fritz G. A. Kraemer (1908–2003), German-American military educator and advisor
  • Gudrun Krämer (born 1953), German scholar of Islamic history
  • Helena Chmura Kraemer, American biostatistician
  • Henry Kraemer (1868-1924), American pharmacognosist
  • Jacob Kraemer (born 1990), Canadian actor
  • Johann Victor Krämer (1861–1949), Austrian painter and photographer
  • John Krämer, Carthusian writer of the fifteenth century
  • Joe Kraemer (born 1964), former Major League Baseball pitcher
  • Joe Kraemer (born 1971), American film score composer
  • Josef Krämer (1878–1954), German gymnast, track and field athlete, and tug of war competitor
  • Ingrid Krämer (born 1943), East German diver
  • Ludwig Krämer (born 1939), legal figure in the development of environmental law
  • Martin Krämer (born 1987), German chess grandmaster
  • Michael Krämer (born 1985), German footballer
  • Moritz Krämer (born 1980), Swiss singer-songwriter
  • Nicholas Kraemer (born 1945), British harpsichordist and conductor
  • Otto Maria Krämer (born 1964), German church musician
  • Samuel Kraemer (1857–1937), American rancher, farmer, and businessman
  • Stefan Krämer (born 1967), German football coach
  • Walter Krämer (born 1948), German economist
  • Werner Krämer (1940–2010), West German international footballer
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Kramer
1. "Kramer vs. Kramer," and those kind
Jackie Chan _ The Foreigner _ Talks at Google
2. oh, it's Joe Kramer, Joe Kramer, Joe Kramer, Lalo Schifrin!
Score - A Film Music Documentary _ Joe Kraemer, Matt Schrader _ Talks at Google
3. Joe Kramer, Joe Kramer, Joe Kramer-- you know.
Score - A Film Music Documentary _ Joe Kraemer, Matt Schrader _ Talks at Google
4. We'll get all Kramer v. Kramer.
Happy Thank You More Please (2010)
5. Who's Kramer?
Cast of CBS’s Superior Donuts _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Kramer
1. L‘Adieu au Nord (Mercure de France), Pascale Kramer.
2. Généralement abonné ŕ l‘ultra–court recouvert de hot–panth';re ou de sex–python, le duo italien a transformé ses mannequins en Miss Moneypenny, la secrétaire coincée de James Bond, ou en Meryl Streep version Kramer contre Kramer.
3. Julie Christie, Meryl Streep dans Kramer contre Kramer, et ŕ peu pr';s toutes les héroďnes de Woody Allen: l‘apogée de la besace, c‘est bien entendu les années 70. «Ce n‘est pas surprenant de la voir revenir aujourd‘hui, alors que la mode est en plein revival baba» explique Valérie Azouley de la boutique L‘adresse ŕ Gen';ve.
4. Mark Kramer, professeur ŕ la Harvard Business School et directeur du Foundation Strategy Group, commente son rapport sur Nestlé en Amérique latine.
5. Puis, ils ont retravaillé leurs textes. «J‘essaie de les amener vers leur propre ambition plutôt qu‘ŕ un idéal», dit Pascale Kramer.